The Complete Guide to Stomach Vacuums – how to do them, benefits, risks, and do they work?

The Complete Guide to Stomach Vacuums – how to do them, benefits, risks, and do they work?

The stomach vacuum trend promises transformed abs, losing inches off the waist, and a flatter stomach, but is there any truth behind these claims? Learn everything you need to know about stomach vacuums including science-based benefits, how to do them properly, and if it even works in the first place!

How to Grow Your Glute Muscles at Home with No Equipment – Top Tips for Gains without Pains

How to Grow Your Glute Muscles at Home with No Equipment – Top Tips for Gains without Pains

Glutes are not just for aesthetics; the glute muscles group is involved in everything from sitting toĀ balance, to even standing!Ā  And while we all want to increase our fitness…