
The Best 7 Scientifically Proven Ways to Boost Collagen

Collagen is vital in the body. From skin health to joints, this protein is needed to stay healthy, which is why it is important to know how to boost collagen.

Facial massages won’t boost collagen, but do feel nice – source

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about this protein. Learn about what collagen is, supplements, and science-based facts about how to boost collagen today.

What is Collagen

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, making up about 30%. It is in many parts of the body, from bones to cells. There are different types, each serving different purposes, but collagen mostly provides support and strength,


Though there are over 28 different types of collagen identified in the body, they can be broken into 5 min categories.

Type I is used in the skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments, type II is in joints, type III is in organs, arteries, and muscles, type IV is in your skin, and type V is in your eye, hair, and skin as well. As you can see, collagen is in many parts of the body helping support and repair different areas.


Collagen is also used to help grow new cells, provides a protective layer for organs, and gives your skin elasticity. It is even involved in protecting the lining of the gut and helps blood clot if you are injured.

What Causes Collagen Loss

There are quite a couple of different reasons as to why collagen starts to decline. The most obvious is due to aging. As you age, the collagen in the body starts to deteriorate and weaken naturally. 

Other things that damage collagen pertain to your lifestyle. Too much sun can speed up the loss of collagen greatly. If you have unhealthy habits like eating too much junk food, smoking, or drinking, you may also lose collagen quickly.


You can start to notice collagen decline from your skin appearance (e.g. more sagging, wrinkles, hollowing around the eyes) or in stiffness in your tendons, loss of flexibility, or gastrointestinal problems. You may even notice issues with blood flow or body stiffness.

How to Boost Collagen

Finally, here are the top 7 ways to boost collagen. Use any or all of these tips to increase collagen production in the body.

1. Eat Collagen-rich Foods

Food becomes the building blocks to help the body make the necessary things it needs to live and thrive. Eat foods that are rich in collagen components like eggs, gelatin, meat, and poultry as these can help boost collagen greatly. Plus, these foods can help feel you full and provide good energy for the rest of the day. Here is a full list of foods to eat if you want to boost collagen.

2. Sun Protection

UV rays damage DNA and destroy collagen. A simple tip to protect yourself is to use SPF and wear protective clothing when you are outside. Try to avoid the sun when it is at the hottest, which is from noon to about 3 pm.

3. Skincare Actives

Skincare ingredients that you want to look for are retinoids, vitamin C, and niacinamide. Other good ingredients include centella asiatica. Peptides are also very good for the skin, such as copper peptides. Here’s a guide to using copper peptides correctly!

4. Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy has been found to increase collagen production by activating ATP production in the mitochondria of the cells. Besides this, red light therapy also helps regulate sleep as it exposes you to light that can regulate your internal clock.

5. Nutrition

Nutrition is vital in producing enough collagen. Eat antioxidant-rich foods like those in point 1, but also look for the micronutrients you need, like vitamin C, zinc, and copper. Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus and bell peppers. You can find zinc in seafood, chickpeas, lentils, and nuts. Copper is found in organ meats, cashews, sesame, and cocoa powder. 

One of the best supplements you can take for collagen is CoQ10. This is important an supplement in energy production, enzyme activation, and cell regeneration.

6. Lifestyle Improvements

This means you want to try to have a healthier lifestyle daily. You’re gonna want to exercise about 3 times a week, sleep enough, and you want to make sure you’re eating whole foods when possible.

Exercise can help boost overall health, improving cardiovascular wellness drastically. Sleep is important to health as restorative activities happen when you are sleeping. Quality of sleep affects collagen production and health.

Eating well also assists the body in creating the necessary components to be strong and fit. You can still treat yourself though! It’s better to enjoy life than stress out.

7. Microneedle

Microneedling is a procedure that should only be done in a professional setting. It involves taking small needles and piercing the skin. This slight trauma can help boost collagen and improve skin texture and appearance. Because of how intense the procedure sounds, it should only be done in a professional setting.

Skincare and Collagen 

Over the last 20 years, we have seen a substantial rise in skincare with collagen added to the formulation. Much of the time, these products promise plumper skin, reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and a reversal of aging.

The truth is that it is a gimmick. Collagen in skin care does not work. The collagen particles are way too big to be absorbed into the skin and do not have an effect in boosting collagen production in any way. The only known skincare ingredients that help to boost collagen are the ones discussed in the list, like vitamin C and retinol products.

The Takeaway

Collagen is an important protein in the body, found in the skin, joints, and hair. It is needed to provide support and structure in the body. Collagen is also found in the muscles, bones, tendons, organs, blood vessels, and much more, making it the most abundant protein in the body. Use these 7 scientifically proven tips to boost collagen and increase overall wellbeing today.

Remember that health comes from within, therefore try to eat well, exercise, and take care of your mental health. Daily habits become building blocks for overall health. Plus, try to take care of microbiota health. Learn everything you need to know about gut microbiota today for free here.

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