5 Simple Ways to Romanticize Morning Nutrition

It’s super important for us to wake up on the right side of the bed and set the tone for our entire day. Here are five ways to romanticize morning nutrition.

Learn what it means to romanticize your life and the benefits this practice has. Plus, find out why it’s important to romanticize morning nutrition and more! 

What is Romanticizing Life?

The definition of romanticize is to make something romantic. It’s the act of turning something into an ideal, making it better. Romanticizing life takes this and applies it to the most normal activities. There are ways to romanticize something as simple as lunch for example. You can take time and cut up your strawberries into hearts and take the crust off your sandwich (to say for later of course). This will leave you with a meal that looks aesthetic and adorable. Something as simple as this is a small way to turn something ordinary into something extraordinary, glamorizing the mundane. 


Romanticizing life allows you to be more present in the moment and enjoy the little things more. It adds magic to your everyday routine. This can help you be more grateful for what you have in your life and learn to enjoy the little things more. It encourages you to celebrate your life and all the aspects of it, which is a good way to boost your mood and reduce stress daily.

Romanticizing life does not have to be overly complex and tedious. Something as simple as lighting a candle and setting some background music while you do house chores can be an easy way to romanticize your everyday activities. For more ways to romanticize your day, check out this guide here.

5 Simple Ways to Romanticize Morning Nutrition

Jumping right into it, here are five simple ways to romanticize morning nutrition. Breakfast is in fact the most important meal of the day, and it should be treated with care and consideration. Learning how to romanticize this morning meal can make a world of difference.

1. Take Your Meal Outdoors

There’s just something lovely about eating outside. From the natural light to the view, a simple way to romanticize morning nutrition is to take your breakfast outdoors. This is helpful in a couple of ways. Natural light in the morning is one of the best ways to wake up. It helps regulate your circadian rhythm, the internal clock that dictates when you feel alert and when you want to sleep. Natural light can give you more energy throughout the day and help you feel more tired at night. 

Plus, eating outside is a good way to enjoy your meal mindfully and boost your mood. There are many benefits to the great outdoors, so combining being outside and a delicious breakfast is the perfect way to start your day.

2. Make Your Drink Mindfully

In the morning more often than not, we will be reaching for a drink. Whether this is a glass of orange juice, water, or coffee, we need to hydrate early in the day. This is because even slight dehydration has very detrimental effects on our body and mind. We wake up slightly dehydrated, so enjoying something to drink in the morning is vital.

Make this moment of drinking something more magical by taking on some mindful habits. This can be something as simple as playing a 3-minute song and simply listening to it while you drink your morning beverage. Enjoy the lovely background noise and taste of your drink. This is the perfect moment to calm the mind and relax the body, taking time for yourself.

3. Tailor Breakfast to Your Preferences

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it’s not for everyone. Personally, I tend to get hungry later on, a couple of hours after I first wake up. By this time, I’m craving something savory instead of something sweet. And that’s exactly what I do, a well-balanced meal that is savory, saucy, and delicious.

A cute way to romanticize morning nutrition is to tailor your breakfast to your own personal taste. If you crave something savory, don’t limit yourself. Eat spaghetti for breakfast if you want. On the other hand, if you’re craving something that’s like a dessert, there are many ways to turn something like oatmeal or yogurt into a decadent chocolatey dessert-like meal. All you need to make sure is that your breakfast is high in protein, healthy fats, and good carbohydrates. Besides that, just eat what you enjoy and crave.

4. Track Your Nutrition in a Journal

Nutrition can be challenging when we keep having to guess what is good for us and what is not. A good way to simplify this is to keep a journal based on your nutritional needs. Start tracking things like protein, and keep up with your goals for the day. For example, I try to eat about a gram of protein per kilogram of weight for me and my goals.

Make this a special habit by keeping a personalized journal for your nutrition. You can write down quick recipes and options for when you’re feeling sick of your ordinary meals. Plus, tracking nutrition is a good way to find out how some foods affect your mood and body. For example, if after eating too much cheese, you feel a bit tired and sluggish, that is useful information and insight into your body. If you find that you feel better after eating oatmeal then when you eat yogurt, that is something to take into consideration. There are many observations we can discover when we start tracking it down on paper.

5. Plan One Fun Treat for the Day

Finally, a simple yet effective way to add magic to your morning nutrition is to plan a sweet treat in advance. Maybe freeze a yogurt bowl when you wake up. That way, you’ll be looking forward to a frozen yogurt delight after a long day of working.

It is helpful to help us get through the day if we have something to look forward to. You can even make this activity even simpler. Plan in the morning to stop by your favorite coffee shop and get a sweet treat. That way, you go into your day already looking forward to and anticipating something delightful.

Bonus Tip: Bring Out the Fancy Plates

We eat with our eyes, so what’s a better way to enjoy your morning nutrition than on a lovely plate, with utensils that look fit for royalty? You can even enhance the visual experience of your breakfast by garnishing it with herbs or fruit. Just make sure your meal looks like something you’ll want to eat!

Quick Tips to Romanticize Anything

Here are some tips to help you romanticize other aspects of your day. For more information on romanticizing the little things, check out this guide here!

  • Make mood boards – mood boards are a great way to focus on what aesthetic you want in your life and your home.
  • Redecorate – after having an idea of what you like, redecorate to fit the vibe. This can be something as simple as buying a new poster or a scented candle.
  • Create playlists – playlists are a great way to add magic to your day. Make playlists for specific things. Use one while you cook, one while you’re being productive, a workout playlist, etc.
  • Utilize scent – scent holds a lot for us. It’s about memories, nostalgia, comfort, etc. Utilize more sense around your home in the form of candles, essential oil diffusers, etc.

The Takeaway 

These are five simple ways to romanticize morning nutrition. We need to make the most out of our morning, including potentially having a morning routine and eating a well-balanced breakfast. This guide can help you add magic into your mornings which will help boost mood and lower stress. These good feelings can help you move through the day with more confidence, joy, and anticipation for life.

Remember that health comes from within. Eat healthy, nutritious meals, exercise daily, and take care of your mental health. Daily habits become the building blocks for emotional, mental, and physical health. Take care of your gut health too! Learn everything you need to know about gut microbiota today for free here.

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