
New Research on Eggs – Eat Them Or Skip Them

Eggs, to eat or not to eat. That question has stumped scientists and nutritionists for decades. Some say to avoid them at all costs, while others say to eat them daily. So which is it? Well, new research on eggs just might paint a clearer picture.

Eggs are a complete protein – source

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about eggs, including nutritional information, benefits, risks, and whether or not we should be eating them!

The Study – Research on Eggs

This egg study is one of the first that looked at the effect of egg consumption in healthy adults. Many other egg studies included individuals who already had a preexisting risk for chronic illnesses. The study took a look at the big picture of egg nutrition and its effect on the body. People were placed in groups. One would eat no eggs, one group would eat three egg whites, and the last group would eat three whole eggs.


This research on eggs as resulted in this. Choline increased in individuals who ate the whole egg. This is a nutrient that is essential to the body, and hard to obtain. TMAO, a metabolite linked to heart disease, did not increase. There was also not an increase in inflammation or blood cholesterol. In fact, eating the whole egg was better at reducing diabetes markers than just eating egg whites.

So Should We Eat Eggs or Avoid Them?

Scientists have long debated this question, which just goes to show you how complex nutrition science is. Some studies found that egg intake was linked to an increase in inflammation markers. Other studies found that eggs were nutrient-dense and offered many benefits to the body.

In general, this study found that eggs are safe to eat, even enhancing health. This is in healthy individuals and should not be generalized to everyone in a population. If you are not at risk for a chronic illness or have no chronic illness present, you should be able to eat at least one egg a day without problem.

Eggs Nutritional Information

Eggs are an animal product from hens that are considered a complete protein. This means they contain all the amino acids the body needs, the ones the body cannot make on its own. They are a source of protein, choline, biotin (vitamin B7), vitamin A, and cholesterol, along with the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin.

Eggs were previously associated with increased heart disease, but research has shown that dietary intake of cholesterol does not increase blood cholesterol. Read this guide on cholesterol here for even more facts on dietary cholesterol that might make you feel more comfortable enjoying food!


With eggs, you need to consider the different types and quality of eggs. Regular eggs are the standard supermarket ones, fed grain and supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Cage-free means they aren’t in cages, but can still be kept in cramped overstuffed houses. Free range means they may be able to go outside. 

Cage-free and free-range are similar to regular eggs but pasture-raised eggs are truly better (and more expensive). Pasture-raised eggs are higher in magnesium, omega 3, vitamin A, and vitamin E. Even free-range eggs contained some benefits, like higher amounts of vitamin D, as the hens were allowed to roam in the sun.


Eggs are incredibly nutrient-dense, with vitamin A, omega 3, vitamin D, vitamin E, folate, vitamin B2, B5, B7, and B12. They also contain phosphorus, selenium, calcium, and zinc, plus a lot of trace minerals vital to health. The antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin, are also important in raising eye health. They are a complete protein, containing 6 grams, and have all of the important amino acids the body needs.

Eggs do not raise bad cholesterol (LDL). In fact, daily egg intake may raise HDL, good cholesterol. The omega 3, particularly high in pasture-raised eggs, helps to lower triglycerides, which are a well-known risk for heart disease. 


Eggs are a nutrient-dense food source, but there are always risks. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, and this applies to eggs. According to this, people do not suffer from eating 7 eggs a week. 

A less common risk is salmonella, a species of bacteria that causes food poisoning in the United States. Symptoms include stomach pain, fever, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and vomiting. While symptoms usually last between four and seven days, some people have food poisoning cases so severe they need to be hospitalized. 

Make sure your eggs are stored in the fridge at a temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Use them within 3 weeks of buying, and eat them cooked, not raw. Leftover cooked egg dishes should be eaten within three to four days after cooking. Eggs should be cooked until the egg whites are not runny. Egg yolks should reach a temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit. 

A Critique on Nutrition Research

Nutrition is notoriously very hard to study. While research can find association, it is hard to pinpoint cause and effect. This means that we can find a link and state that eating more honey leads to more chronic disease (an untrue, random correlation I just made), but we can also find a link and say the decreased consumption of margarine leads to less divorce in Maine (a real correlation that exists). 

This is what it means when people say correlation does not equal causation. Nutrition research, however, often relies on finding correlations. Plus, nutrition research is often self-reported, full of other factors, and biased. That being said, we should not stop researching more about nutrition, even though it may be complex. We, as consumers of investigations, should simultaneously be open-minded and critical. 

A critique of this egg study is that participants were able to prepare the eggs however they wanted, which invites too many variables. Steamed eggs are different from eggs cooked in butter, which are different from eggs that are cooked in ghee. Plus people in the egg white category may have been unconsciously cooking the eggs in a ‘healthier way.’ 

The Takeaway

Eggs are pretty good, especially if you get high-quality eggs. Research on eggs has shown that they are a healthy option to consume. They are nutrient-dense, delicious, and will be good for you if you are healthy. The cholesterol in eggs won’t increase bad cholesterol. In fact, the omega 3 in high-quality eggs raises good cholesterol. 

Health starts from within, so eat well, exercise when you can, and care for mental health. Don’t forget about microbiota health too! Microbiota affects the entire body, from the skin to muscles, to immune health and mental health! Get all the resources you need about microbiota health for free here!

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