
How to Make the Easiest DIY Rose Water

This rose water recipe is the easiest thing in the world.

rose water
Photo by Charlotte May

The only ingredient you would need to buy is roses.

Making it organic by using organic roses is an amazing way to elevate this recipe to the max. And if you grow your own roses, well, you can start making it immediately!

This lovely mixture has great benefits and a variety of uses such as in DIY face masks, a soft floral scent for the house, a toner for the skin, and much more!

With all the benefits, how could you not want this amazing ingredient at your disposal?

What is Rose Water?

Rosewater is a mix that has been used for centuries as a skin product, natural perfume, and in cooking!

In history, it has been used as a healing ingredient for damaged skin, a body spray, and even a detergent.

Versatile is its middle name.

Uses for Rose Water

Rose water can be used in a variety of ways. Use it as an ingredient in DIY skincare masks or as a toner.

The benefits for the skin are amazing.

Many individuals use its taste to flavor food as well.

It can be an ingredient in recipes like jello, tarts, smoothies, or baked goods.

Benefits of Rose Water

Rose water has a plethora of benefits. It can be used to soothe skin irritation and redness due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It contains powerful antioxidants which can protect skin cells from damage as well.

Rose water also has antiseptic and antibacterial properties which can help it prevent or treat infections and promotes healing of scars, burns, and cuts. These also make it a powerful anti-aging ingredient.

One study found that rose water has antidepressant and antiquity properties, relaxing the body and another study found that headaches are relieved through inhaling water vapor or rose.

Rose water has been said to soothe sore throats, though more research is needed. In any case, it can’t hurt to try as anecdotal evidence is there!

Some evidence suggests it can help soothe digestion problems as well.

Dosage and Forms

You can buy rose water in skincare products, as a spray, or easily make it yourself! I prefer to make it myself to avoid any unnecessary dyes, chemicals, additives, or preservatives.

There is no known risk of inhaling or ingesting it unless one is allergic

Below is the easiest recipe to make your own rose water.

How to Make Rose Water

Rose water can be made by distillation, infusion, or extraction (usually with alcohol).

We will be using an infusion method, where you steep rose petals in water. In the production of rose essential oil, it is the by-product left behind.

Lucky for us, the only ingredients needed to make this mixture are hot water and rose petals, preferably organic.

Normal rose petals may be contaminated with pesticides, making them a bit more hazardous to our health and unusable as an ingredient in the food.

All you need is about 5 organic rose flower blossoms, 2 cups of hot water, and bowl.

Rose Water Recipe

Remove the flowers from the stem and leaves and rinse them under room temperature water to remove dirt, dust, or critters.

Bring water to a boil and set aside. You will be using it soon! 

In a bowl, add the rose petals, hot water, and let steep for 5 to 10 minutes.

Done! Allow to cool, place in a container and store the fridge for up to 10 days.

Rose Water

The easiest way to make rose water
Keyword easy recipe, rose water
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Calories 5kcal


  • 5 Rose Blossoms organic
  • 2 cups Distilled Water


  • Remove the flowers from the stem and leaves and rinse them under room temperature water to remove dirt, dust, or critters.
  • Bring water to a boil and set aside. You will be using it soon!
  • In a bowl, add the rose petals, hot water, and let steep for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Done! Allow to cool, place in a container and store the fridge for up to 10 days.


  • Use organic flowers
  • Store in fridge to make it last longer
  • Use a natural preservative like lemon juice for even more protection


You can also use food-grade rose petals that are dried. In this case, use about 1/4 cup for 2 cups of water.

You can also decide if you want the rose water stronger by adding more petals or using less water!

Optionally, you can add a natural preventative to make the water last longer, protecting it from bacteria or yeast. This can be a natural preservative such as citric acid. Adding a couple of drops of lemon will lower the pH of the water, making it inhabitable for bacteria. This is best if you are using it for cooking.

The Takeaway

Rose water is an amazing mixture that has many purposes and benefits.

It is incredibly easy to make with only 2 ingredients.

Try it today to see how your wellbeing improves! Remember, wellness is a journey that starts with a single step.

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