Foods You Should Be Eating Daily to Increase Collagen Production

Collagen is everywhere nowadays, from nutritional shakes, and supplements, to skincare.

Picture of healthy fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
Find out what foods help boost your body’s collagen! – source

And while we now know how collagen works in skincare, we still need to make sure our body can produce it.

Collagen is the most abundant and essential protein in the body, so we want to support the body in making it!

Keep reading to find out the importance of collagen and what you should be eating to make sure it is made in the body today!

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a type of fiber-like protein in the body used in connective tissue, joints, skin, muscles, tendons, eyes, ligaments, and more! 

It’s even in your bones!

Your body mostly uses it as a major building block for support, structure, elasticity, and overall health.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body.

There are many types of collagen, though the most abundant in the body is type one, which makes up about 90% of all collagen.

What Causes Collagen Loss?

As you get older, your body naturally starts to produce less collagen, and the collagen you do have tends to break down.

This is affected by lifestyle and diet.

For example, heavy drinkers and or smokers experience more rapid collagen loss than individuals who don’t consume alcohol or smoke.

Other factors that decrease collagen include excessive sun exposure or autoimmune diseases.

Even the consumption of excess sugar can lead to a decrease in collagen production in the body. This is because too many refined carbs or added sugar contribute to inflammation and collagen degradation.

Foods that Help Increase Collagen Production

To make collagen your body needs bioavailable forms of protein including proline and glycine. Here are foods that help increase collagen production naturally! 

  • Bone broth
  • Seafood
  • Eggs
  • Organic chicken
  • Gelatin

Copper, vitamin C, and zinc are other nutrients that aid the process of collagen production, so make sure to add fruit and vegetables high in vitamins and minerals such as.

  • Citrus fruits (vitamin c)
  • Strawberries (vitamin c)
  • Blueberries (vitamin c)
  • Leafy greens (zinc, copper)
  • Mushrooms (zinc, copper)
  • Nuts like cashews (zinc)
  • Beans (zinc)
  • Bell peppers (vitamin c) 

Can I just take Collagen Supplements?

It is always better to get your collagen from your diet, though supplements are an option.

As a supplement, collagen has been found to increase muscle mass, decrease joint pain, and increase flexibility and range of motion, though more research is needed. 

Check out the benefits, risks, and types of supplements here.

It can be added to smoothies, baked goods, meals, and even to coffee!

What about Collagen in Skincare?

In skincare, the collagen added to the product doesn’t penetrate deep enough to affect collagen synthesis.

It is, however, a humectant, a moisturizing ingredient that can prevent transepidermal water loss.

More information here.

The Takeaway

Collagen is an incredibly important protein in the body involved in almost every part.

It is in the eyes, joints, bones, and even blood.

When we age, collagen production naturally slows, and lifestyle factors can increase loss.

Make sure you are eating foods with zinc, copper, vitamin C, proline, and glycine to help support the body in collagen production.

A healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, protein, and healthy carbs will go a long way in overall wellness, especially towards collagen production.

Remember, health starts from within! Give your body the building blocks it needs to support you and feel wellbeing flourish.

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