The Best Tips and Tricks to Make a Memorable Summer 

The summer season is one for fun, heat, and happiness. Here are amazing, soft, and inspiring tips and tricks on how to make a memorable summer today!

Learn how to make this a memorable summer with these simple yet enticing tips meant to spark a bit of magic into an ordinary day. 

Tips and Tricks to Make a Memorable Summer 

Without further ado, here are ways to make this a memorable summer full of fun, sun, magic, and joy. Find out how to romanticize the ordinary to make it extraordinary.

1. Plan With Inspiration

A good way to find what you like to do and activities for the summer is to start looking through things to inspire you. Use books, movies, shows, etc., and find activities, styles, and hobbies you want to start! Look at the media you love for inspiration for places to go, things to do, what to eat, and more! Make pinterest boards of dreams you have for the summer and start planning day by day!

2. Read More

Reading is a habit you can start at any time of the year, but it feels cozy in the summer. Days are long and you feel like you have more time to do more things. Make it a habit to read more this summer. Plan to read a book every night before bed. Before you know it, you have a memorable summer reading list you’ll be thrilled to share with friends. 

3. Be Who You Want to Be Now

If you want to be different in the future, you must be different now. Don’t let the summer pass you by wishing you could be different. Act differently, make different decisions, and be who you want to be right now. Do some soul-searching and look inward. A good way to decipher who you are, your wants, and your needs, is to journal. start a writing habit when you first wake up! This can be morning thoughts, a dream journal, or a daily planner. 

4. Dress the Part 

Part of making the summer memorable and full of joy includes looking how you want to look. Dress the part. If some of your mood boards include sundresses, dress in sundresses. If you want to rock jeans and graphic tees all summer long, do so. Cultivate fashion that calls to you and speaks to you.

5. Make it Romantized

Romanticizing life is about making the ordinary extraordinary. A simple instance can become incredible if we choose it to be. It’s all about appreciating the little things and giving more attention to these small moments. For example, treat yourself to a fruit salad with strawberries shaped like hearts. Do heart-shaped strawberries taste better? Probably not, but they sure do look like they taste better. It’s a simple way to bring more joy and magic into a regular moment. Plan more picnics, star gazing, make time to climb trees, etc.

6. Eat Differently

Along that vein of thought, eating well provides the basic building blocks for us to live a sustainable and happy life. Food affects our physical and mental health. Therefore, to make this a memorable summer, we should endeavor to eat a little bit better. This does not mean completely getting rid of unhealthy food. It means making small sustainable changes. A good option in the summer is to shop for local produce and aim to eat one extra serving of fruits and vegetables per day. A small goal like this will make a huge difference and how you feel and can make the summer amazing.

7. Set Up Songs

Songs have the ability to change the way we feel. A happy uplifting song will bring us joy, while a slower sad song may make us feel blue. For a memorable summer, aim for a memorable playlist. Set up a playlist for songs that make you feel like the main character in your life because, at the end of the day, that’s exactly what you are; the main character of your own life. You can even have a different playlist for different parts of your summer. Have a fun road trip playlist, have one for going to work, have a workout playlist, etcetera.

8. Time Life with the Sun 

Our bodies work on a circadian rhythm that is light-dependent. That means we tend to feel more energized when there is more light outside, and we tend to feel more tired at night. While this might not be the case for everyone, cough cough night owls, many of us can benefit from timing our life with the light of the sun. As soon as you wake up, try to take in some natural sunlight in the morning. This will help you get a healthy amount of vitamin D and will help keep you energized until the evening. Once the sun starts to set, try to dim the lights of the house and start to do more relaxing activities like meditating, reading, writing, or other soothing hobbies.

9. Find What You Love

There’s a quote that states, find what you love and let it kill you. No need to go to extremes, but in essence, this means allowing yourself to find things you love, things that bring you love, joy, pleasure, and inspiration, and allow it to consume you. Allow it to spark joy and passion in you. This summer, make it a memorable one by finding something you love and letting your motivation and happiness guide your hyper-fixation. 

10. Be Okay with Yourself

For a summer to be absolutely lovely, an important part is to be okay with yourself, who you are, and who you want to be. Learn to be fine spending time with yourself, being mindful, taking time to calm down, and simply exist. Enjoy life, enjoy the time you have, and breathe.

The Takeaway

Memorable summers just don’t fall out of the sky. We have to make them. These tips and tricks are simple ways to make the summer more memorable. They can turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary opportunity to do things you love to do while creating memories that last a lifetime. Plan things out, start taking action to be who you want to be, read more, write more, and just enjoy life. Find what you love, enjoy your own company, and vibe to music. Make a summer magical with your own two hands.

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