The Best Active Self-care for the Summer
This summer is all about doing things to promote wellness. A great way to do so is active self-care for the summer. Find out some simple tips that can change your summer days for the better.

Keep reading to find out active self-care for the summer that you can do to improve wellness. Doing things that boost the body’s health will affect both physical and mental wellbeing, making it a necessity in the stressful world of today. Self-care isn’t selfish, it is necessary!
What is Self-care
Self-care is when you purposefully take time to do something for yourself that can improve your physical and mental health. This can be something that you enjoy doing that will help reduce stress. It can also be any act that you purposely take to increase your overall wellness. Self-care keeps you healthy emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially.
Active self-care focuses on activities that promote the health of your body. However, as stated in previous articles, physical activity has great benefits to mental health. When you exercise, your body even releases happiness chemicals that make you feel better and lift your mood. These are active self-care for the summer tips that you can use to promote wellbeing that lasts through all the seasons to come.
Active Self-care for the Summer
Without further ado here are active self-care for the summer activities you can do today! Some of these can be taken into other seasons since they are self-care tips that don’t depend on summer weather. However, some of these habits can be very beneficial in the summer, so be sure to try them out today!
1. Eat a Protein-Packed Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is even more important to focus on eating it in the morning. A common breakfast in many parts of the world includes some sort of carb. It can be a cereal in the US or an arepa in Colombia. Protein is a macronutrient that is much more beneficial, especially in the morning. It keeps you full for longer and can have a metabolism-boosting effect on the body. This is because it takes the body more energy to process protein. A breakfast that is high in protein can also help reduce cravings and snacking later on in the day. Protein can help increase muscle mass and strength and is very good for your bones, so while you need a well-balanced breakfast, make sure you are adequately eating protein.
2. Walk Safely in the Sun
One of the first things you should do when you wake up is to take in some natural sunlight. Beneficial as it will help provide you with more energy throughout the day and will help make you sleepier at night. This is because natural light in the morning will help regulate your internal clock, the circadian rhythm from which your body functions naturally. Plus, you can combine morning light and a morning walk together to create an active self-care habit for the summer. Make sure that you take this walk early in the morning to avoid the harsh sun of the afternoon. Plus, try to use SPF and protective clothing if you do decide to walk later in the day outside. The summer is full of breaking heat and sun safety is vital.
3. Switch up the Caffeine
Caffeine has many benefits that have been well documented, including caffeine in teas, chocolate, and coffee. One fun summer self-care tip is to try to switch up your caffeine routine one of two ways. Either, try to take your caffeine a bit later or switch up the drink entirely. If you postpone your caffeine intake up to 30 minutes, it can help you have more energy throughout the day. This means you wake up, go on your walk, eat breakfast, and then have your morning caffeine hit. Taking caffeine this way can help provide stable energy throughout the day.
The second way to switch up your caffeine is to drink different drinks. Try matcha instead of coffee, drink a latte instead of black tea, or lower your caffeine with some green tea instead of an Americano. Switching things up can make your caffeine and take fun and will provide you with different vitamins and nutrients along with your caffeine.
4. Plan a Trip
Summer trip is a good idea for anyone who has a spirit of adventure. We usually have more free time in the summer, so take advantage of that and plan a trip. This could be a solo road trip or a fun expedition with friends and family. Make it as big or small as you want. A trip can be a drive to the beach, flying to another country, or something as simple as checking out a neighboring town you’ve never been to. Get the most out of your summer and try out a trip.
5. Time Your Day with the Sun
In the summer, the days are long, and it can be very beneficial to take advantage of these long days. As stated before, start your day with some morning sunlight. Time your day with the sun by making sure you get some natural light throughout the day and even take an evening walk. Observing the sunset will once again help you regulate your circadian rhythm which can help you get more rest at night. Plus, some evening movement is a good way to help boost physical health after a long day of sitting at a desk or being stationary.
6. Move Mindfully
Throughout this long summer day, try to move mindfully. This means being very purposeful with your activity. Add more mindful movement throughout the day. This could be very simple such as parking a bit farther away from your place of work or wherever you’re going. This gives you some time to walk to your destination. You could also add an activity such as yoga or pilates to incorporate beneficial movement throughout the day. Mindfulness in general is a great habit that changes the brain for the better. It promotes more mental awareness, control over one’s emotions, and a boost in a positive mood.
7. Pick Up Fresh Produce
Here is an amazing summer activity that is sure to promote self-care inside and out. Going to a farmers market and picking up fresh produce allows you to add a new fun activity to your day. A change in scenery is proven to have a positive effect on mood. Plus, roaming through the produce stalls allows you to naturally add more movement to your day. Plus, adding fresh produce will help nurture the body, and provide beneficial nutrients, minerals, and vitamins needed for physical health.
8. Start a Simple Morning Routine
At the end of the day, all of these tips can be combined to make a simple morning routine. Pick out the tips and activities that you enjoy the most and create a short and simple morning routine that you can use daily. We thrive under routine and completing one will help us feel better and act better.
Bonus: Summer Skincare
Summer skincare is a good way to promote physical health by taking care of your skin barrier. Check out the complete guide to summer skincare and how your skincare routine should change when the weather changes.
The Takeaway
Trying out some active self-care for this summer means doing things that can promote physical health while also improving mood and overall mental wellness. Try out these tips and make a routine that works for you, not against you.
Remember that health comes from within, so eat healthy foods, exercise when you can, and take care of your mental health. Daily habits become the building blocks for emotional, mental, and physical health. Take care of your gut health too! Learn everything you need to know about gut microbiota today for free here.