Simple Morning Activities to Boost Energy and Mood

What you do in the morning can set the tone for the rest of the day. These simple morning activities boost energy and mood no matter what life throws at you.

Keep reading to find out what simple morning activities to boost your energy and mood you need to be doing in order to have the best day ever.

Simple Morning Activities to Boost Energy and Mood

Without further Ado here are simple morning activities to boost energy and mood. Our mornings serve to provide a stable foundation that we can use to get through the day with ease. This is why a morning routine can change your life. As opposed to committing to a complete routine right off the bat, these are just a couple of things you can do that will make a huge difference. Try them out and watch how wellness flourishes.

1. Skip the Screens

If there’s one takeaway from this list, let it be this one. It is absolutely vital that you skip screen time in the morning. This is very important for a couple of reasons. First of all, when you first wake up in the morning, the brain moves from delta waves which occur while we sleep to theta waves which are that dozy and cozy daydream feeling. Next, the brain goes into alpha waves, which happen when you are relaxed but not overthinking or processing information. This is how we naturally wake up. 

If you check your phone first thing in the morning you are forcing your brain to skip theta and alpha stages. This induces the Delta stage of brain waves in which you are wide awake and alert. We need to use the morning wisely and utilize these calmer and more relaxing brain waves. During such times, taking a few deep breaths and doing a short meditation can be useful. Skip scrolling social media, looking at news, and checking your email as this can invoke a stress response that sets the tone for the rest of the day.

2. Get in Some Natural Light

Another important and easy morning activity you can do is simply look out the window or step outside for a bit. Getting in some natural light as soon as you wake up is one of the first things you need to do for a couple of reasons. First, morning lights are more gentle on the skin. This makes it a safe way for you to absorb vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D is used in many biological processes from metabolism to hormone production to transportation of nutrients and much more. We need vitamin D to live. 

Secondly, natural sunlight can help regulate your internal clock, also known as your circadian rhythm. This dictates the timing of sleep for individuals. Morning sunlight can help provide more energy throughout the day and regulate your melatonin levels to help you fall asleep at night.

3. Wait on the Coffee

I used to jump out of bed and sprint for my morning cup of coffee. I needed the caffeine to get me up and at it. However, some studies have found that waiting a bit to get your caffeine fix may be the best option. Drinking coffee too soon in the morning affects brain waves. Again, you want to optimize that time in slower and calming brain waves as much as possible. Instead of heading straight to the kitchen for a cup of joe after you wake, do something more mindful like deep breathing or meditation. 

Plus, coffee tends to spike cortisol levels. While some stress can be beneficial, we don’t want to experience it constantly. The energizing effects of caffeine are best after 9 am to around 11 am when our body’s cortisol levels naturally rise. Use your own biology and time your caffeine with the alertness that already goes through your body.

4. Move Your Body

One of the best things in the morning you can do is move your body. This is because morning movement can help boost circulation, and oxygenation of the organs, and flood the brain with happiness chemicals. Endeavor to do a bit of movement the next time you wake up. Make sure this physical activity happens a bit later in the morning, at least 45 minutes after you wake up. This is when the body naturally produces a bit more cortisol hormones, which are also produced during exercise. 

Avoid jumping right out of bed and working out, since we want to stay in a drowsy and relaxed delta brainwave as long as possible. Plus, don’t think you have to work up a sweat so early in the day. Morning movement can be a short yoga session, a brisk walk, or some easy stretching. Just do something to get the blood flowing through your body, helping the mind to feel more alert and ready for the day.

5. Sneak in a Visualization Meditation

So, as soon as you wake up, your brain moves from sleep theta waves to drowsy delta waves. If you aren’t rushing out of bed, scrolling through your phone, exercising, or reaching for a cup of caffeine, what should you do as soon as you wake up in this drowsy state? When the mind is relaxed with daydream brain waves, a small meditation may be just what you need. For more energy, try a focused attention meditation where you envision reaching your goals. For a boost in mood, imagine a relaxing and tranquil beach getaway.

Meditation has many benefits. Individuals who meditate as a habit report more self-esteem, more emotional control, and higher cognitive thinking skills. Meditating in the morning can help redirect your attention toward your goals, allowing you to cultivate a more problem-solving attitude. A meditation does not have to take too long either. Just 5 to 10 minutes can give you amazing benefits in no time at all.

The Takeaway

These simple morning activities to boost energy and mood can make the difference between a good day and a bad one. Just doing something as simple as avoiding using the phone can increase your happiness chemicals later in the day. Plus, some natural sunlight is the perfect way to return your circadian rhythm. This leads to more energy throughout the day and a deeper sleep at night. Make sure you listen to your body, moving to help boost circulation, meditating for a dose of mental wellness, and using caffeine correctly.

Remember that health comes from within. Eat nutrient-dense food, move your body, and care for your mental health. Daily habits are the building blocks for emotional, mental, and physical health. As shown above, take care of your gut health! Learn everything you need to know about gut microbiota today for free here.

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