
How to Help Reduce Anxiety – Phrases, Techniques, and More

When your mind is racing, your palms sweating, and your heartbeat is through the roof, the best thing you can do is to take a moment and detach. Anxiety is a very common issue in today’s fast-paced society, but it can be dealt with using different techniques. Reduce anxiety with these phrases that help talk yourself out of overthinking.

person shaking head blurry photo, reduce anxiety
Anxiety can be overwhelming – source

Learn 15 phrases and techniques you can use in your day-to-day life to feel better both physically and mentally and reduce anxiety effectively.

What is Anxiety

Anxiety is a mental and physical reaction to stressful, fearful, or unfamiliar situations or events. The apprehension in life is normal, particularly in certain situations like moving to a new place, going out with someone new, or starting school, but when anxiety is constant it is debilitating. We should not feel anxiety so much that it prevents us from enjoying life.


Symptoms of this include difficulties concentrating, tiredness, aches, pain, and negative beliefs. 

Anxiety is often associated with the flight or fight response, a chemical reaction in the body activated by the sympathetic nervous system during which the heartbeat quickens, digestion slows, muscles tense, and blood pressure rises. 

In our ancestral past, a fight or flight response prepared us to flee from predators or avoid danger. Today, there is a disconnect, as we cannot flee when fight or flight is activated in response to money worries, family drama, or stress at work.

10 Ways to Reduce Anxiety

Here are some ways to talk you down from anxiety, calm the mind, and work through issues in a helpful way, not hurtful. Often, we feed off negativity and use it to think more and more negative thoughts. Part of retraining the mind is to notice this pattern, stop it, and rework the thoughts. It is an essential part of cognitive behavioral therapy and working through mental illness long term.

Questions to Ask

1. Is what I am thinking helpful?

Ask yourself if the thoughts you are thinking are helpful to you. Are they trying to work out a solution or are you focusing on something you cannot change or on the negative? If the thoughts are not helpful, let them go. Use an image like leaves floating down a river and allow the thoughts to float away.

2. Is what I am thinking realistic?

Sometimes we think of impossible scenarios, like what if a comet strikes the building while I’m giving a presentation and I fail. Improbably bordering on unrealistic. Notice these kinds of thoughts and allow them to flow out of your mind too.

3. Are my thoughts true?

At times, we may believe untrue assumptions about ourselves. Are you guessing at the intention of others? Try not to assume things about others without an open line of communication. Maybe you think you are the worst. Chances are, you are definitely not the worst. Notice these thoughts and let them go.

4. Can I find the positive to this situation?

Looking for the positive in a situation is a habit. Start to form this habit now by looking for the positive. See if there is anything you learned, how you can grow, and what you can do in the future.

5. Is there anything I can do to feel better?

Treat yourself with the kindness you give to others. Do something for yourself to make yourself feel better. Listen to some calming music, watch a funny video, or pet your dog. Treat yourself.

Phrases to Say

6. I am doing the best I can with what I have.

Much of the time, we look back and wish we had done things differently. However, this regret comes from knowing the outcome of our decisions. All you can do in any given situation is the best with the information you have. 

7. I do not have to be perfect. Trying is a brilliant effort.

Trying, constantly trying, is an admirable trait. Even if you fail, the fact that you tried is enough to celebrate.

8. I deserve to be kind to myself. I would never speak to someone else the way I do to me.

We deserve the kindness we tend to give to others. Remember to treat yourself well and give yourself kindness. 

9. I am in control of my thoughts, emotions, and actions.

You can take control of your thoughts, which in turn changes how you feel. You can act and react to situations. This mentality allows you to feel more in power in your life.

10. This too shall pass.

Every feeling, good or bad, is temporary. No matter what, the sun will rise in the east tomorrow, the ocean will wash away footprints in the sand, and the moon will still shine.

Techniques to Try

11. Take a Deep Breathe

Deep breaths activate the parasympathetic nervous system, the part of the body responsible for turning fight or flight off. Take a couple of deep breaths and allow the body and mind to relax.

12. Mindfulness

Much of the time we feel anxious about a future that is not as bad as it seems or anxious about the past. Try to stay in the present with mindfulness techniques found here.

13. Rub Your Hands Together

Use physical touch to ground yourself in the present moment. This would be a great chance to try five-finger breathing as it incorporates touch, sight, and breath to calm the mind and body, which helps to reduce anxiety.

14. Meditate

Meditation has been found to rewire the mind and change the brain for the better. Meditate to help regulate emotions and reduce anxiety.

15. Move

Physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression by flooding the brain with endorphins, feel-good chemicals. Move your body, stretch, walk, do yoga, or go outside for some beneficial activity that can help improve mental wellbeing.

The Takeaway

Anxiety is an issue that affects us all. In the past, a reaction to stressful situations kept our ancestors alive. Today, it can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, and depression. Use these phrases, ask yourself these questions, and learn these techniques to work through and overcome anxious thoughts.

I hope this helps someone. Having a list of things to do is a good way to make a habit that helps to improve mental health. Regardless, remember that if you feel bad, you can always turn it around with little tricks and self-soothing habits.

Health comes from within, therefore eat nutritious food, move your body daily, and take care of your mental health. What you eat and do become building blocks for health, emotional, mental, and physical. Try to take care of your gut health too for even more health benefits! Learn everything you need to know about gut microbiota today for free here!

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