In a Bad Mood? Here are 5 Amazing Tips to Change That

We have those days where we just get up on the wrong side of the bed. A bad mood can ruin a perfectly good time. These tips can help you turn a bad time into a good one with ease.

Keep reading to find out what simple tips can be used to boost your mood quickly. Try them out the next time you’re feeling a bit down! Find out the consequences of indulging in a bad mood and why we should be kind to ourselves and attempt to change it to a better mood!

The Consequence of a Bad Mood

So, why should we even try to change a bad mood? Shouldn’t we just feel what we feel no matter what? There are pros and cons to any sort of negative emotion. This guide here, it focuses on showing you how to control your emotions which can be a good thing and can be a bad thing. In any given situation, it’s important not to repress what we feel. Instead, that guide and these tips aim to allow you to process it and move on from it.

Keeping a bad mood going can be detrimental to our mental health. If we ruminate and continue to think about what makes us have a bad mood, we’ll start to see the world in a negative light. Every little thing will start to bother us, the most minor inconvenience will feel like a personal attack, and we may start to take it out on the people around us. And this can be something that lasts for the entire day, a week, or even longer if we let it, turning into a month-long slump. 

Real Life Example

For example, if you wake up in the morning and stub your toe, that’s a prime example of waking up on the wrong side of the bed, which can easily cause a bad mood. If you tend to this bad mood, you’ll be annoyed on your way to work, you’ll be bothered by a car that seemingly cut you off, you’ll be annoyed your favorite food was unavailable to order at lunch, etc. It doesn’t matter what it is, you’ll find reasons to hate the day. On the other hand, if you process something that puts you in a bad mood, deal with it, and try to change that negative mood, you’ll likely feel better for the rest of the day. You’ll likely feel better for the rest of the day.

How to Change a Bad Mood

Here it is! Some quick tips for changing a bad mood and boosting your joy and wellness with ease. There is no reason to nurture a bad mood, and with these tips, you can stop a negative spiral in its tracks.

1. Listen to a Custom Playlist

Music has the ability to influence how we feel, of which scientists are certain. While some studies say that even sad music can make us feel better, I’m of the mind that a positive uplifting pop song is enough to make me smile. There’s a big difference between a minor chord that sounds sad and a major chord that sounds uplifting. Happier songs tend to be written in major chords. For times when you are in a bad mood, prepare an epic playlist that will change your mood. Maybe this playlist starts a bit slow and soft, allowing you to feel the bad mood out. Let the playlist transition into happier, faster, more upbeat songs that get you excited, happy, and energized.

2. Get Affectionate

It’s no surprise that we are social creatures. Even I, an introvert, love to be with my people. In times when you’re in a bad mood, it may be beneficial to reach out to someone you care about. Maybe you rant a little, then start talking about better and happier things. Even better, try to get physical affection from others in distressing times. A hug a day can keep a bad mood away. What’s even better is that you can be affectionate with your pets. Give your dog or cat a cuddle or two and watch how your bad mood simply disappears.

3. Sit With Those Feelings

As stated previously, there’s nothing wrong with feeling bad for a short period of time. There will always be something that can cause a bad mood or something that annoys or irritates you. That’s okay, that’s life happening. Sometimes, it’s very beneficial to process those feelings. This is where something like meditation can come into play. In certain meditations, such as focused attention or mindful meditations, you’re able to sit silently and simply observe your thoughts. You allow any thoughts to come in without judgment and if they do not serve you, you let them go.

For example, if you are nervous about a presentation at work, you may sit and meditate for a while. If a thought such as, “everyone’s going to laugh at me,” comes into your mind, do not focus on it, do not ruminate on it, simply acknowledge it and allow it to flow. It may be beneficial to exchange these intrusive thoughts for something more helpful such as, “I have prepared the best I can and that is enough.”

4. Move Your Body

Movement is medicine for both your physical and mental health. Moving your body is a great way to disperse and get rid of a bad mood. This is because physical activity can raise the level of happiness chemicals in your body. This is sometimes referred to as a runner’s high. After completing intense activity, the body is flooded with dopamine due to completing that task. It’s amazing, it’s almost worth the effort of running. However, luckily, there’s no need for you to push yourself to exhaustion. Even something like a soothing yoga session or a walk can help boost your mood and flood your body with happiness chemicals. Plus, it allows you to focus on something other than whatever annoys you!

5. Go Outside

The great outdoors has a tangible effect on our health. Being outside has been shown to boost our mood greatly while providing a lot of other physical benefits. This includes an increase in immune health, a boost in vitamin D, which is an essential nutrient for many bodily processes, and much more. Here is a full guide on why we should go outside more often. In general, though, it’s super beneficial to go outside and simply breathe in fresh air. A change of scenery can be what you need to feel less stuck in your feelings.

The Takeaway

Being in a bad mood is inevitable, but it doesn’t have to last for long. Using these simple yet effective tips, you can change a negative tone into a more positive one by simply trying out any of these activities. Make sure you try to process your feelings, work through them, and move on from any bad mood in order to thrive.

Remember that health comes from within, so eat healthy foods, exercise when you can, and take care of your mental health. Daily habits become the building blocks for emotional, mental, and physical health. Take care of your gut health too! Learn everything you need to know about gut microbiota today for free here.

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