The Best December Reset You Need to Try

Monthly resets give you an opportunity to check in with yourself, reflect on the month prior, and set new goals for the future. This December reset is the perfect way to get the month going and prepare for the new year that’s just around the corner.

Monthly resets can help keep you on track – source

Here is a guide to the perfect December reset. Goal setting, reflect, prep yourself for the holidays (if you celebrate), and get ready for the new year!

What is a Monthly Reset 

A monthly reset routine is a way to check in with yourself. It can help you track your progress, set goals, and appreciate the journey you are on. It’s a way to declutter the mind, work through issues, plan the future, and set personal/business goals. 


Monthly resets can help give you more direction in your life. They can also allow you to reflect, appreciate, and improve your mental wellbeing by reducing stress, anxiety, and frustrations.

Resets offer clarity and allow you to prioritize different aspects of your life. There is a sense of inner peace, positivity, and self-confidence that comes from reflection, reaction, and reworking. Self-awareness is vital if you want to progress towards any goals you have in life. Don’t know what to include in a December reset? You’ve come to the right place!

The Best December Reset Guide

Here is an easy yet effective guide on how to get the most out of this monthly reset. Try out these steps, and watch how wellness improves!

Reflect on the Month Prior

Start by checking in on yourself and how you did the month prior. Did things go well? What did you enjoy, what do you want to improve, what were some things you were proud of, etc? November can be a stressful time and a lovely time, so make sure you work through the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Set an Intention

Set an intention for the month of December. Make it something simple like, I aim to read at least one book this month or make it something complex like I want to overcome my fear of public settings. Your intention should also be in the first person, using the word “I” so that the task is personalized to you. 

Make a Goal to Complete By New Year’s

Try to set a small, achievable goal you can complete before the year is done! It can even be some small task that is part of a larger goal. This way, you can feel a sense of accomplishment in a short amount of time.

Appreciation Time

Take a bit of time to reminisce about what you are grateful for. Though Thanksgiving has just passed, we should be thankful year-round. Plus, if you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, it’s important to habitually practice appreciation and be thankful every day. On a daily basis, life will give you an opportunity to appreciate, and the more we count our blessings, even for simple things like the air we breathe or sunlight, the more happiness we gain.

Embrace Cozy Culture

A lovely part to add to your December reset is embracing cozy culture! The weather is getting colder, so swap out the summer gear with oversized sweaters, fluffy socks, scarves, hats, etc!

December Reset Prompts and Affirmations

Here are some affirmations and prompts you can use to get you started on your December reset. 


  • I did my best last month, next month will be better.
  • I do not have to wait for New Year’s to change. 
  • I deserve time and space to feel what I need to feel.
  • I can set boundaries with confidence.
  • I am worthy, I am deserving.
  • I can do anything I set my mind to.
  • I am taking the days one at a time.
  • This holiday season will be nice, calm, and joyful.
  • I accept the past and look forward to the future.
  • I believe in myself.


  • What am I looking forward to this season?
  • What am I nervous about?
  • What holiday traditions do I want to continue? Which do I want to stop?
  • How am I feeling about the year so far?
  • What am I looking forward to next year?
  • What was my favorite part about the year?
  • How can I improve as a person?
  • What is one way I can improve myself?
  • What are three things I can control right now?
  • What am I grateful for?

Tips to Make Month Resets a Habit

Finally, here are some quick tips that can help you make your month reset a habit that helps you in the future. The good part about a monthly reset is that it does not take up too much time, has many benefits, and can be done in a lot of different ways! You can write things out, take some time, and meditate on them, or both!

  • Use a Journal – get a journal and turn it specifically into your monthly reset. That way, you’re writing it down in one place and can keep track of your progress.
  • Declutter – add some physical decluttering and cleaning into your monthly reset day! It’s a form of soft movement and mental cleaning too.
  • Categorize Sections – if you choose the journal route, make sure you have sections to keep everything organized. Have a section for business or finances, one for personal, a section for reflection, etc.
  • Try a Braindump – if you don’t want a specific method, simply try getting all your thoughts, concerns, and feelings out onto a page. You’ll be surprised how liberating it is!
  • Do it on the First – make it a monthly habit by making sure you practice it on the same day preferably the first of the month! You can also just make it a first week of the month process or do it the 30th of the month prior.
  • Make it a Self-care Day – pair your monthly reset with some fun self-care activities. This will help you associate your monthly reset with something that brings you joy.

The Takeaway

This guide to a December reset is the perfect way to get you on track for the future while appreciating the present and reflecting on the past. Try out these tips, prompts, and habits, and watch how mental wellbeing improves, bit by bit.

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