The Best Fall Day of Self-Care – Habits, Tips, and More

Self-care is vital to emotional, physical, and mental health. It is not selfish, it is not egotistical, and it should not be a chore. This perfect fall day self-care routine is sure to make you feel better with ease.

Fall is a time to enjoy – source

 We go through our lives caring for others, it is time to care for ourselves with the same kindness and respect. Check out this guide for the perfect fall day of self-care

What is Fall Wellness

Fall wellness is a slight change in routine that helps optimize health and mental wellbeing. As the season grows colder, the days are shorter, the air is drier, and the sunlight is more scarce. This beckons small changes that can make a huge difference, like using a thicker moisturizer, getting some sunlight in during your morning, or going on evening walks in the fall leaves.


Spending some time focusing on fall wellness can improve mental, physical, and emotional wellness. For example, studies have shown that the change in sunlight, i.e. how it gets darker soon, causes an increase in negative thoughts, intrusive thoughts, and rumination, all of which can lead to anxiety, depression, and stress. These not only affect mental wellbeing but physical wellbeing too, as constant stress puts the body under inflammation, tension, high blood pressure, and a higher risk for chronic disease.

Some simple tips are investing in a light lamp, getting more sun in the morning, or going on evening walks before dark.

To cater to the changes that happen in the fall, it is important to make these slight, yet meaningful adjustments. Here is a guide on fall wellness habits, one for a fall reset, and even one for fall skincare.

The Perfect Fall Day of Self-care 

Here is a simple guide to the perfect fall day of self-care, with season-appropriate activities that can boost overall health easily.

In the Morning

Here are ways to boost self-care in the morning on a fall day. Start the day without your phone, and try to go through your morning mindfully.

  • Wake and stretch – spend some time in the morning stretching out those muscles! Here’s a routine you can do from the comfort of your bed.
  • Take in the Sunlight – sunlight in the morning is less harsh than in the afternoon rats, making it a safe way to take in vitamin D. Plus, light early on can regulate your circadian rhythm, giving you more energy during the day and helping feel sleepy at night. 
  • Savor your drink – take a moment to breathe and mindfully enjoy your drink, whether it’s coffee, tea, milk oj, or any other beverage! 
  • Enjoy seasonal spices – add more clove, ginger, cinnamon, and other spices to your drinks, meals, and life!
  • Skincare and SPF – give yourself a face mask, extra toner, serum, or any other skincare product. Have fun with it! Plus, remember to still apply sunscreen because the sun rays are still a hazard in high amounts, even through cloud coverage. 

In the Afternoon

Self-care is an all-day event. Here are some fun afternoon self-care habits for fall!

  • Stretch it out – after a couple of hours, it’s a good idea to do a bit of stretching to work out any kinks out of the back.
  • Take deep breaths – take some deep, mindful breaths, calm the mind, and focus on the present moment. Change your breath, change your life.
  • Light your favorite seasonal candle – 
  • Make a festive lunch – try a nice, seasonal lunch. Take some extra time to use seasonal fruits and vegetables like squash.
  • Snack on seasonal fruit – seasonal fruits like pumpkin and persimmons are refreshing, tasty, and nutritious. 

In the Evening

Here are some evening fall self-care tips you’re going to love.

  • Cozy up under a blanket with a book – there’s nothing better and more relaxing than cozying up under a blanket with a good book. 
  • Dim the lights – since it’s getting dark faster, you may be tempted to turn on the lights faster and brighter. Instead, keep the lights low and dim to help calibrate your circadian rhythm.
  • Take a warm bath – a warm bath is a good way to relax and unwind. Use some scents and bath bombs, and breathe deep. 
  • Go for a short walk – a short walk can be a nice way for a change of pace, breathe some fresh air, and enjoy nature.
  • Take a moment of mindfulness – during your walk, take that time to simply be in the moment. Take in the scenery, listen to the noises around you, and enjoy.

At Night 

Finally, here are some ways to finish up your day and prepare for a good night’s sleep!

  • Skincare it up – your nighttime skincare routine is the most important! Use a cleanser to clean off the dirt, sunscreen, and impurities from the day. Plus, use a hydrating moisturizer to protect and rejuvenate the skin, and make sure your skincare at least 30 minutes before bed to make sure it absorbs into the skin.
  • Drink a warm beverage – a nice warm drink like chamomile or sweetened milk can be a lovely way to unwind and destress after a long day.
  • Ditch the tech – make sure you aren’t using phones or computers before bed. The blue light from technology tends to keep our brains active and alert.
  • Lower the temperature – a lower temperature can help signal to the body that it is time to sleep and rest! Lower it about 2 or 3 degrees, or pop a window open for a bit!
  • Journal about the day – journaling and working through the emotions and situations of the day can help you go to bed with a clear mind. Make it fall by adding some themed paper, stickers, or even pressed flowers and leaves.

Simple Tips for Self-care

Finally, here are some broader tips for self-care you can use in your daily life, no matter the time, place, or season.

  • Celebrate small accomplishments – you should be able to celebrate even small accomplishments in your daily life. It’s great to be proud of yourself
  • Treat yourself – give a gift from you to you. Treat yourself to something you like when you need a bit of self-care. It can be as simple as getting your favorite cup of coffee.
  • Note the little things – start romanticizing life a bit more by paying more attention to the little things in life. Drink tea out of your favorite mug, cut your fruit up into fun shapes, play your favorite song and dance around the room, etc.
  • Thankfulness –  practicing gratitude and appreciation is a surefire way to boost mental wellness, even raising happiness, and feelings of content while lowering stress and anxiety.
  • Skincare it up – skincare is self-care. Practice a skincare routine that supports the health of your skin today. Check out this science-based skincare routine, detailing ingredients with research behind them!
  • Write it out – journaling is a small, but powerful way to sort through emotions, write out feelings, plan out your week, etc. Journals can be used in several ways, so check out this guide and pick the one that resonates with you!

The Takeaway

Self-care is an essential part of wellness, as it supports your overall health. This guide for the perfect fall day of self-care is a great way to spend time on yourself. 

Remember that health comes from within, so eat good food, exercise when you can, and take care of your mental health. Good habits are your body’s building blocks for emotional, mental, and physical health. Take care of your gut health too! Learn everything you need to know about gut microbiota today for free here.

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