
Amazing Affirmations to Hype Yourself Up When You’re Down

We all have moments when we don’t feel our best. In these moments, it’s important to be your number one fan. Use these affirmations to hype yourself up when you’re down.

 Whether it’s physically or mentally, we aren’t always at 100 percent. Check out these affirmations to hype yourself up when you’re down! The more you say affirmations, the stronger they become, turning into part of your belief system.

What are Affirmations

Affirmations are statements that we can use to improve our self-esteem, change our actions for the better, and boost our mood. They tend to be in the present tense and positive. We can make our own affirmations that fit certain scenarios. For example, instead of thinking I think I can do this presentation, a better affirmation to use can be I know I can do this presentation. At the end of the day, how you use affirmations makes all the difference in terms of effect and benefits.  


Current research supports the use of affirmations to deliberately change our thought process. These positive statements can boost confidence, increase our belief in ourselves, and may lead to us taking beneficial action. One study even found that using affirmations was able to boost recycling and green planet habits. Our thoughts tend to be negative, so learning how to use positive statements can be a good way to quickly change an unhelpful belief. Affirmations also tend to lower stress, specifically by lowering cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is a stress hormone responsible for detrimental inflammation in the body, so positive statements can have a positive physical effect. 

Affirmations to Hype Yourself Up When You’re Down

Here are some amazing affirmations to hype yourself up when you’re down. Use them during moments when you aren’t feeling your best or have little motivation. These can be used in any situation where you feel down, including in the gym, before a stressful moment, when you are sick, etc. Use them when you need to and watch how you start to believe in the words you say to yourself!

I can overcome this!

The mind gives up before the body does. No matter whether you are using this affirmation to get over a cold, push yourself at the gym, or get through a mental challenge, know that you can overcome it. Belief in oneself is half the battle. Know that you can overcome, learn, grow, and succeed in whatever you put your mind to.

This too shall pass.

All things end. Good things, bad things, mediocre, mundane, they all have a time limit. If you are going through something that’s getting you down, know that it will end, and the time you are spending in that situation will one day feel like a distant memory. So don’t worry yourself sicker or exhaust yourself stressing. This will pass!

I am stronger than this. 

Use this affirmation when you are feeling weak and tired. Overcoming and getting through tough times comes with mental fortitude. If you’re sick, know you can be healthy, if you’re tired, know you can get through it. Maybe it’s a personal challenge at the gym. Learn your strengths and have a clear idea of what you can do. Then push yourself to get through more. You are stronger than you think, as we tend to be very self-critical. You are strong, you are powerful, you are able. Do it.

Everybody makes mistakes.

While this is not a positive statement, it is a good reminder and affirmation to have in your back pocket. No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes, so know that even if you mess up, it’s ok. You can do your best and feel ok with that. Know that even if things do not go to plan, it’ll be alright in the end. At the end of the day, these mistakes and errors offer an opportunity to learn and grow.

I am powerful.

This is the ultimate statement. You are powerful, believe in yourself, and know that you can do anything. Even when things seem down, you can do your best, believing in yourself. By not only being confident in what you can do but believing you can do more, you most likely will. Affirmations become a self-fulfilling prophecy that allows you to prosper in the most intense moments.

Quick Tips for Affirmations 

Here are some quick tips to get the most out of your affirmations! Plus, the best way to create your own personalized affirmation easily.

  • Use them daily – use your affirmations daily for the best effect. Affirmations can become a habit if they are used consistently. 
  • Morning and night – in order to get the most out of your affirmations, use your affirmations in the morning as soon as you wake up. That way, you are starting the day well. Plus, use your affirmations at night right before bed to sleep well on a good thought.
  • Need them, use them – However, if your affirmations are needed in a certain scenario, use them to give yourself a morale boost!
  • Repetition matters – the more you use your affirmations, the more you can change the way you think. Reputation makes these statements a habit.
  • Write them out – writing out your affirmations can be another good way to get them to stick in your mind. Journal with them, write about them and feel them out.
  • Say them with your chest – what matters most with affirmations are feelings. Whenever you say your affirmations out loud, be sure to say them with your chest, truly thinking about what the phrase means.
  • Personalize them – affirmations can easily be personalized. Make affirmations positive, in the present tense, and for specific situations. For example, if you want to get over a cold, you may make an affirmation that can help calm the mind and body such as My body knows how to heal and thrive. This can help lower stress, which can even help health rise!

The Takeaway

Affirmations have many benefits for our physical and mental health. These are some of the best affirmations you can use to hype yourself up when you’re feeling down. Try them out and watch how you start to feel better, act better, and believe in yourself. 
Remember that health comes from within, so eat healthy foods, exercise when you can, and take care of your mental health. Daily habits become the building blocks for emotional, mental, and physical health. Take care of your gut health too! Learn everything you need to know about gut microbiota today for free here.

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