
A Quick Nighttime Meditation to Calm Down 

Sometimes, you get a random burst of hyperness right at bedtime when you should be winding down to go to bed and sleep. In cases like this, a quick nighttime meditation to calm down is just what you need.

Check out this guide on how to do a quick nighttime meditation to calm down and get a good night’s sleep. Find out the benefits of meditation and how it can be used to relax the mind and body for more health benefits.

What is Meditation

Meditation is a practice in which you focus your mind in such a way that boosts physical and mental health. It is a way to train the brain and mind to achieve inner peace and a calm state. Meditation usually includes taking deep breaths, which can help activate the parasympathetic nervous system, the part of the body responsible for calming us down.

There are many kinds of meditation, including being in the present moment, focusing on your breath, body scan, or self-reflection meditations. Each type of meditation tends to have its own pros, though some of the benefits apply to all types of meditation, such as the ones found below.


Meditation has many benefits for both the mind and body. Think of meditating as a workout for the brain. It can help improve many mental aspects such as memory, cognitive thinking, and concentration. Meditation can also help us regulate our emotions more effectively and obtain more self-awareness easily.

Not only that, but meditation is also a great way to manage stress. Stress has a negative impact on the body and is highly linked to inflammation, which is the leading cause of many diseases in the body. Meditation is also a great way to reduce anxiety, improve emotional health, and increase attention span. When practiced as a habit, meditation leads to changes in the brain that can be very beneficial for blood pressure, managing addiction, and improving overall mood and quality of life. It has even been found that regular meditation promotes healthy sleep and more alertness throughout the day.

A Quick Nighttime Meditation to Calm Down

Without further ado, here is a quick meditation to calm down your mind and body. It is the perfect meditation to use before you go to bed. This is a meditation that lasts about 10 to 15 minutes, depending on how long you take in each step, meaning it can be inserted seamlessly into your current nighttime routine. Try it out today and see how you feel!

1. Get into bed.

Yup, this meditation is done right in bed! If you’re worried about falling asleep before completing the meditating practice, don’t be! The purpose of this meditation is to calm the mind and body in such a way that promotes deep sleep and rest. Turn down the temperature, since a cool environment can help you fall asleep, get under a cozy blanket, and get ready to meditate right in bed.

2. Take some deep breaths.

The next step is to take some deep, slow breaths. The way you breathe can change your life, as shown in this guide here. Deep breaths help to activate the parasympathetic nervous system which can help reduce stress in the body. Deep breaths lower your heart rate, control blood pressure, and can even enhance your mood. Take the time now to take between 5-10 deep slow breaths.

3. Scan the body.

Now that you’re feeling cozy and calm, it’s time to perform a slow and simple body scan. Start from one end of the body and slowly move your focus up throughout your entire body until you get to the other end. Focus on your toes, wiggle them a bit, relax them, and move up to your ankles. Repeat that process, going up through the calves, thighs, hips, etc. Notice any tension and release it. Do this through your torso neck down your arms to your fingertips and up to the top of your head. Make sure you are noticing any areas that feel uncomfortable and breathing deeply to help relax those muscles. Take your time during this portion of the meditation, since this is the majority of the activity.

4. Close off with a calm visual.

Now that you’re feeling super relaxed and have little to no tension in the body, start a soft visualization. Imagine something relaxing, such as laying in a hammock with a gentle breeze and the sound of the ocean in the background. Focus on this relaxing visualization for the remainder of your meditation period.

5. Sleep!

Congrats! You have just completed a quick nighttime meditation to calm down the mind and body. You should be feeling super relaxed by now, if not completely asleep. Remember, it’s okay to fall asleep during any point of this meditation since the purpose of it is to calm down and get a good night’s rest. 

Quick Tips to Meditate Like a Pro

Here are some quick tips in order to help you become a meditating pro! Try them out to get started on your meditation journey.

  • Practice Makes Habit – the most important part of meditating is making it a habit. Set aside 5 minutes daily at the same time every single day to meditate for a little bit. As you become more comfortable with the habit, start increasing the time you are meditating to 10 minutes, 15 minutes, or longer.
  • Make Your Space – it’s super important to have a space in which you will be meditating. During the day, try to avoid meditating in bed to avoid falling asleep. Create a meditation corner with candles, a yoga mat, aromatherapy, etc. Make it a comfortable area you want to be in.
  • Start Slow – Rome wasn’t built in a day. Meditation is something that requires time to become good at. Start slow and work your way up to longer meditations. Be kind to yourself if your mind wanders or if you feel restless. As with any skill, meditation requires a bit of practice.

The Takeaway 

When you make meditation a habit, you gain physical and mental benefits that make life better. This is a nighttime meditation to calm down the mind and body. You can use it before bed to a promote deeper and better quality of sleep. Practicing a daily meditation habit is important

Remember that health comes from within. Eat healthy, nutritious meals, exercise daily, and take care of your mental health. Daily habits become the building blocks for emotional, mental, and physical health. Take care of your gut health too! Learn everything you need to know about gut microbiota today for free here.

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