8 Amazing Ways to Detox the Mind and Support Mental Wellbeing

When we think of detoxes, we usually think of an overpriced juice cleanse or an ineffective product that does nothing, but did you know there are ways to detox the mind?

Mental health matters – source

In actuality, the real detox we need from time to time is a mental detox. With a mental detox, we can tend to the state of our mental wellbeing.

Learn how to support yourself in your busy life with these effective tips to feel better.

8 Ways to Detox the Mind nd Increase Mental Wellbeing

Here are easy and effective ways to improve your emotional state of mind today!

1. Drink Enough Water

We are about 75% water, so we need to keep up the liquid content. Studies have found that even a mild case of dehydration can lead to worsening mood and affect the way we think. 

Herbal teas, water with lemon, and even coffee can all hydrate you well. Try to avoid overly sugary drinks like sodas and juices, as these can lead to a mood crash easily.

2. Change Up Your Space Up

You would be surprised at the effect of stringing up pretty lights or adding a painting to your space.

Research also indicated that adding plants, little bits of nature, into your home reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Just think of feng shui, a practice in which you arrange items and furniture in a room to bring more joy and balance. It’s a way to style a room that has been tested by hotels, and companies, with great success. This practice has thousands of years of history and observational evidence.  

Your home and room should be a safe space for you to enjoy and relax. Just being in your room should bring you happiness.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Practicing a bit of purposeful mindfulness can be a great way to improve mental wellbeing easily and effectively. 

Studies have found that joy being in the presence of something beautiful can help you connect with your emotions and feel better. In the same way a loving kindness meditation can improve positivity and generosity, mindfulness can help you think more positively and be more giving to others.

Look at the sunset or sunrise today, really taste the food you’re eating, or drink your frappuccino with all the senses and emotions needed to fully enjoy it.

4. Start Journaling

Studies show that the more clutter in our space and mind, the slower and more stressed we become. This is where journaling comes in!

We can try to doodle or journal to feel better in stressful times to sort through thoughts and clear our minds.

You can use a journal to plan the weeks ahead so you are not thinking about the future as much, or simply doodle and have fun!

5. Think About Happy Memories

Going back to a well-loved movie, a favorite book, or a happy memory is a highly effective way to combat present-day loneliness and negativity. 

Nostalgia can help us move forward by remembering and celebrating our past.

So the next time you’re feeling down, try doing some of your favorite activities from the past! Disney movies are still magical.

6. Talk to Someone You Love 

Sometimes we tend to isolate ourselves instead of reaching out to others. In tough times, try to contact the people you love, friends or family.

Talking to others can help you heal from the past, build empathy, and decrease feelings of loneliness and solitude.

7. Give to Others

You don’t need to donate high amounts of money or run a huge charity to give to others. Giving may be volunteering at an animal shelter, donating clothes you don’t wear, or giving someone in need some time with you to talk.

Doing something for others reduces stress levels, lowers blood pressure, and may even increase lifespan.

Selfless giving shows that there is a personal change in people who volunteer, seeming to increase belief in oneself and motivation greatly!

8. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is being thankful and showing appreciation. By expressing gratitude, our minds start to notice things we have been taking for granted. With gratitude, base levels of joy can rise and mark a new happiness average, maintained by your body over time.

This is shown well by the gratitude experiment. In it, people were divided into three groups. One was told to write daily gratitudes, one was told to write negative things, and the last was told to write anything they wanted. The group that was writing gratitudes had more energy, a better quality of sleep, and much higher levels of overall wellbeing.

Gratitude can reduce stress as being thankful can increase the neurotransmitter dopamine, a brain chemical responsible for relation and joy. 

The Takeaway

Mental wellbeing can be improved by adding simple detox methods to spark more joy and happiness in life.

We can even try adding new habits into our routine, such as yoga, meditation, or walks to destress and relax. Our mental wellbeing is something that is often neglected, though it is as important as nutrition and physical fitness.

Something bothering you or need some cheering up? Comment below and let’s chat! We are less alone in our problems than we think.

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