An Amazing 10-Minute Meditation Script to Reduce Stress and Calm the Mind
It’s time to give yourself an easy gift that has life-changing benefits. Here is a 10-minute meditation script that can help reduce stress, calm the mind, and boost overall wellness exponentially.

It’s time to make meditation easier. Learn all of the benefits of meditation, easy-to-use tips, and a simple 10-minute meditation script to help you out today.
What is Meditation
Long story short, meditation is a mental exercise that has been around for thousands of years. Just like we go to the gym to train our body, meditation is the way to train the mind.
While there are many different types of meditation, the main purpose of meditation is to boost tranquility and inner peace. Some meditations, such as a focus attention meditation, aim to help you focus. These types of meditation can help increase concentration, memory, and focus. Other types of meditation, such as a body scan meditation, can help you relax the muscles and release tension in the body.
Different types of meditation provide different benefits. A loving kindness meditation can help you feel more empathy and satisfaction with life whereas a mindfulness meditation can teach you to be more present. However, many meditations share benefits. These benefits include a boost in mental health, and reducing anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms. Meditation can also be used to help with addiction or even in pain management. In general, meditation can be used to lower stress, which can help control cortisol levels in the body. A reduction in cortisol in the body leads to less inflammation, and as shown here, chronic inflammation can be detrimental to wellness.
10-Minute Meditation Script
Let’s jump right into it, here is a quick and simple 10-minute meditation script you can use to reduce stress and calm the mind.
1. Find a Space
The first step is more of a premeditation step. Find a space that is quiet and comfortable. Make sure it’s somewhere that you will be able to focus alone for a while. Some people create a meditation corner by placing a mat or chair, scented candles, or setting the mood by playing some meditation music.
2. Take 10 Deep Breaths
Next, all you need to do is take ten deep breaths. Make these deep and relaxing, concentrating completely on how it feels. Pay attention to your breathing, how your chest rises and falls, how your lungs expand and contract. Be present in these breaths.
3. Follow this Script
Now, you are going to focus on your body, one part at a time. First, focus your attention on your feet. Notice them and silently say in your mind “my feet are relaxing.” Move up to the ankles and calves, saying in your mind “my ankles are relaxing” and “my calves are relaxing.”
Do this for your entire body, moving up to the knees, thighs, and hips. “My knees are relaxing, my thighs are relaxing, my hips are relaxing.” Slowly feel how the body starts to lose tension and tightness. Notice how relaxed your lower body is compared to your upper body.
Focus your attention on your abdomen, thinking silently in your mind “my abdomen is relaxed.” Go up to the chest, the back, the shoulders, and the neck, thinking about relaxing each part and stating it in your mind: “my chest is relaxing, my back is relaxing, my shoulders are relaxing, my neck is relaxing.”
Turn your attention to your arms and hands, feeling them settled, and think “my arms are relaxing, my hands are relaxing.” Finally, move up to the face, and the head, focusing on this area and thinking “my face is relaxing, my head is relaxing.”
4. Imagine Numbers Mentally
You should now have a fully relaxed body, and it is time to center the mind. All you need is about 60 seconds. Imagine the number 20 in your head. Next, mentally raise your hand and wipe away that number. Next, imagine the number 19. Wipe it away. Repeat the process, counting down to 18, 17, 16, 15, etc. Get to 0.
5. Focus on Breathing
Right now, you should feel totally and utterly relaxed both mentally and physically. Sit in this feeling for a little bit. Focus on your breath. Think of nothing but your breathing, your inhalations, your exhalations, the way your chest rises and falls. Be present in the moment.
6. Come Back to the Present
Now, start to slowly return to the world, wiggling your fingers and toes. Open your eyes if you have them closed and slowly become more aware of your surroundings.
7. Close with Gratitude
Close off the session feeling nothing but gratitude for the moment you gave yourself. This time that you took to relax your body and mind has amazing benefits that are life-changing.
Quick Tips for Meditation Troubleshooting
Here are some quick tips you can use when meditation feels a bit more challenging. Meditation is a skill and like any other, the more you practice the better you get.
- Breathe deeply – the breathing you do in meditation has amazing health benefits. This is because breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, the part of the body responsible for calming us down.
- Find focus – if you have trouble thinking of nothing, find something to focus on. This can be the ticking of a clock, your breathing, a candle, etc.
- Be soft – be soft and kind to your mind. If your thoughts wander, don’t feel bad or punish yourself. Simply bring your attention back kindly.
- Make a space – as stated above, there are ways to create a space that is conducive to good meditation. Create a comfortable space, with a seat or yoga mat. Put candles, scents, and music, and give yourself somewhere to sit and be.
- Do it daily – practice makes habits. Create daily meditation habits by setting aside time daily for this mental exercise.
The Takeaway
Meditation is a great practice you can add to your daily life that helps reduce stress, increase mental health, and improve overall wellness. Even the act of breathing while you meditate has tangible health benefits, as deep breaths activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which returns the body to homeostasis.
Remember that health comes from within. Eat nutritious food, exercise when you can, and take care of your mental health. The small daily habits you cultivate become the basis for overall wellness. Don’t forget about microbiota health too! Gut microbiota affects the entire body, from the skin to muscles, to immune and mental health! Get all the resources you need about microbiota health for free here!