
Start the Day off Right – 10 Yoga Moves Guaranteed to Make Your Mornings Better

Yoga started over 3,000 years ago in India, and is still one of the most vital practices today for the body, mind, and spirit.

It is an amazing option for individuals that want to improve their flexibility, increase their fitness, and improve their mental wellbeing.

With all the benefits, yoga is becoming one of the most practiced physical activities.

Magic happens just as the sun rises, you just need to listen.

Furthermore, certain yoga moves are pure magic.

They can help align the spine, remove spinal discomfort, and mentally prepare you for the day ahead.

Practicing yoga does not have to take hours. With a few quick moves, you can get all the benefits, no matter how busy your schedule is.

Check out the top 10 yoga moves to do first thing in the morning!

Morning Routine for Yoga

You can do the following moves in the order they are presented, or you can pick and choose which ones you want to do.

Try to practice at least 5 moves on any given day, holding the poses for at least 30 seconds, longer if you have the time.

The most important thing is to listen to your body.

Practice the poses in a way that feels good.

Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva

Cat Cow Pose

The cat-cow pose not only feels amazing, it is a great stretch for lower back pain.

Begin in a tabletop position on all fours, with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees directly under your hips. Make sure your spine is straight.

Round your back upwards, stretching up with the shoulders (think of how a cat arches up).

Then drop your belly and let your back arches downwards.

Check out a demonstration video here for reference.

Photo by Elina

Downward Dog

Downward dog is a great stretch that activates a full body workout.

Begin in a modified tabletop position on all fours, with your hands slightly in front of your shoulders and knees directly under your hips. Make sure your spine is straight.

Press back, lifting the knees away from the floor, keeping the arms straight. Lift the tailbone and straighten the legs, keeping a slight bend in the knees.

Stretch your heels to the floor to further stretch your hamstring.

Check out this demonstration video here for reference.

Photo by Аnekke


Cobra pose is a great move to stretch the upper back and stomach.

It can help release tightness in the chest and shoulders.

You can either move onto your belly from a downward dog pose or arrive at this pose as you see fit.

Start by lying on your belly, stretching your legs straight back.

Press your hands into the ground under your shoulders and start to slowly peel your chest forward and up from the ground. Roll your shoulders back and down.

Check out this video for reference.

Photo by Elina

Warrior One

Warrior one is a pose to build focus, stability, and power. It is incredibly beneficial to stretch the front of your body and increase strength in the legs, core, arms, and back.

Stand with your legs shoulder width apart and step back into a lunge, facing forward.

Slowly reach your arms forward, up, and back, Keeping your gaze towards the front or towards the sky.

Hold the pose for at least 30 seconds, and move onto a warrior two pose or repeat on the other side.

Check out this demonstration video here for reference.

Photo by Elina

Warrior Two

Warrior two is best done after warrior one. Like its predecessor, it is a great stretch for building strength in the legs, core, back, and arms.

Step into a lunge and pivot the back leg’s foot to the side, with your front foot facing forward, and your back foot, 90 degrees away from your body.

Sink into the lunge and raise your arms parallel to the ground, reaching and stretching.

Hold the pose for at least 30 seconds and move onto a side angle pose or repeat on the other side.

Check out this demonstration video here for reference.

Photo by Elina

Side Angle Pose

This pose is best done after warrior two.

It is an amazing stretch for the side of your body, and like the warrior poses, can help strengthen your legs, core, arms, and back.

From the warrior two pose, reach your arm on the side of the bent leg forward up and back, the come forward to rest your elbow on your bent knee.

Reach your other arm up to the sky and forward.

Hold this pose for about 30 seconds, then start from warrior one on the other side or simply move to a side angle pose for your other side.

Check out this demonstration video here for reference.

Photo by Anete Lusina

Mountain Pose

Mountain pose can help strengthen the entire body and align the spine.

Stand with your legs shoulder width apart.

Roll your shoulders forward, up, and back, stretching the arms down towards the ground.

Lift the chin slightly and stand tall.

Hold this pose for at least 30 seconds, closing your eyes if it feels right.

For added stretch, reach the arms up towards the sky and send your gaze upward.

Check out this demonstration video here for reference.

Photo by Marcus Aurelius

Forward Fold

Forward fold is a position that can be done standing, moving from mountain pose to a forward fold, or it can be done sitting as depicted above.

This pose helps maintain stability, strength, and good posture.

It can also help reduce blood pressure and stress.

From mountain pose, reach your arms up, then let them fall towards the ground, keeping your legs straight but not locking the knees.

Feel the stretch in the back of your legs and hold for at least 30 seconds.

Check out this demonstration video here for reference.

Photo by MART

Chair Pose

Chair pose can help strengthen your legs, core, and ankles.

It is similar to a squat, though usually involves raising your arms forward.

From a standing pose, make sure your feet are hip distance apart, and bend your knees.

Ensure that your knees do not go over your feet as you squat down and raise your arms forwards to help balance you, palms facing one another.

Sink into the stretch, and try to take the thighs parallel to the ground.

Hold for at least 30 seconds.

Check out this demonstration video here for reference.

Photo by Elina

Child’s Pose

Child’s pose is the ultimate rest post in yoga.

It is proof that inaction is just as important as action.

This pose helps to stretch the hips, thighs, and ankles. It can help relieve back pain, reduces stress, and calms the mind.

Begin in a tabletop position on all fours, with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees directly under your hips. Make sure your spine is straight.

Now, Reach your arms forward, palms flat on the ground, and sit your hips back towards your heels. Drop your head and chest down and extend your arms even more.

Place a pillow under your belly if the stretch feels too deep.

Check out a demonstration video here for reference.

The Takeaway

Yoga has many benefits for your physical fitness and mental wellbeing.

The poses above are designed to awaken the body and increase flexibility, reduce pain, and improve posture.

Such poses are important, particularly for individuals who are at a desk all day, as aligning the spine and body can improve not only physical ailments, but how you feel throughout the day.

By incorporating breathing, you can increase the benefits gained from each movement and pose.

Remember to always listen to your body, not forcing a stretch or straining.

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