
Use This 10-Minute Ab Routine to Tone the Core Easily 

This quick and easy 10-minute ab routine is sure to engage the core and get you working up a sweat in a short amount of time. Our core is responsible for stability, balance, and strength, so it’s important to do exercises that keep it healthy.

Sit-ups target the upper core muscles – source

We should take care of our abs and work out the core daily, even if we don’t want a six-pack. Use this 10-minute ab routine once or twice a day and see the difference in wellness and fitness today!

Why Should We do Ab and Core Workouts

The abdominal muscles are those in between the ribs and pelvis, on the frontal region of the body. Strengthening the core includes working the abdominis, the rectus abdominis, the obliques, the lower abs, the pelvic floor, and the glutes.

The abs are mostly worked to obtain a six-pack or toned look, but working out these muscles matter. These muscles support the body, hold organs in place, and regulate internal pressure.

Benefits of a Strong Core and Abs

A strong core can increase balance and stability. When the abdominal muscles are strengthened and engaged, you can move better. Posture is also improved by having a stronger core. 

Besides these, strengthening the core will reduce the risk of injury, which is why you should engage the core no matter what workout you are doing. Strong core muscles also protect the lower back from strain and damage.

10-Minute Ab Routine

Here is the 10-minute ab routine! It consists of 8 exercises with short periods of rest in between each move. Do the exercise for 30 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and move on to the next. 

After completing all 8 exercises, rest and repeat to accomplish the full 10-minute routine. Another alternative to get a 10-minute routine in would be to do each exercise for 1 minute, resting for 10 seconds in between moves. 

1. Full Body V Crouches 30 seconds

V crunches work out the entire abs but focus on the rectus abdominis and upper and lower muscles. 

First, Lie down on your back, reaching your arms up and stretching your legs fully. From this position, rise into a V formation, hold for a bit, then lie back down. Repeat this for 30 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds. 

2. Bear Plank 30 seconds

A bear plank targets the deeper abdominal muscles, as well as muscles along the spine. It is a great option to strengthen the core and back simultaneously, even engaging the leg muscles.

First, move onto all fours, with your arms directly below your shoulders and your knees directly below the hips. Press into the ground with your hands and toes and lift your knees off, making sure all your body weight is evenly distributed. Hold this pose for 30 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds. 

3. Side Plank Leg Lifts 30 seconds

A side plank leg lift will target the obliques (side muscles of the core) and the lower ab muscles. It even images the thighs, back, and glute muscles due to it involving almost the entire body to hold the pose. This exercise will help improve balance, stability, and coordination.

Lie on your side with your elbow to the ground and on the side of one of your feet. Lift the body, supporting yourself from the elbow and foot. Now, raise the leg on top of the ceiling, then back down. Do one side for 30 seconds, then on the next round, do the other side.

Rest for 10 seconds before moving on to the next exercise.

4. Clamshell 30 seconds

A clamshell pose is subtle but works the pelvic floor, glutes, obliques, and thighs.

Lie on your side and bend the knees to a 45-degree angle, legs stacked. Keep the feet touching, and raise one knee high to the ceiling, hold for a few, then lower. Do one side for 30 seconds, then on the next round, do the other side. Make this workout harder by lifting the hips off the ground through the entire exercise.

Rest for 10 seconds before moving on to the next exercise. 

5. Plank Walks 30 seconds

A plank position engages the entire core, and even uses the chest, arms, shoulders, and back. By adding movement to a plank pose, you work harder to stabilize and balance the body.

First, assume a high plank pose, with the arms extended below the shoulders, legs extended, and knees off the ground. Now, move your hands in front of you, coordinating with the rest of the body. Shift your legs forward as well, moving the body to the front and back. Do this for 30 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. 

6. Reverse Crunch 30 seconds

A reverse crunch engages the lower ab muscles.

First, lie on your back with your legs bent, and knees to the ceiling. Lift the legs, reach your feet to the ceiling, and engage the lower abs. Hold this position, then lower back down, and repeat. Rest for 10 seconds. 

7. Bicycle Crunches 30 seconds

This exercise engages the rectus abdominis, your upper and lower abdominal muscles, and muscles on the sides. 

First, lie on your back with your knees bent, and feet flat. Touch the side of your head with your hands, bending the elbows out. Raise both legs. Now, bring on the elbow in towards the center of your body, bringing the opposite knee in as well. Hold for a few seconds, then switch sides. Repeat this for 30 seconds, and then rest for 10 seconds. 

8. Low Plank 30 seconds 

A low plank, when compared to a high plank, engages the ab muscles more. It works out the spine, shoulders, and all of the abdominal muscles. It also images deep core stabilizing muscles to keep the body in a straight line.

Lie on your stomach, stretched out. Place the elbows on the ground and extend the legs completely, lifting the body and creating a straight line. Hold this for 30 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds. 

10-Minute Ab Routine Tips to Engage the Core

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your ab workout!

  • Engage the core – draw the belly button in and up to engage the core.
  • Breathe – don’t forget to breathe throughout the workout.
  • Hydrate – drink enough water to make sure you can move efficiently
  • Increase difficulty – if a workout is too easy, increase the intensity! Add more time, do it faster, or hold the pose longer.
  • Recover well – make sure you eat a high-protein diet afterward to recover effectively, repair the muscles, and build strength.

The Takeaway

The abdominal muscles provide stability, balance, and strength in our day-to-day life. By working them out, we have increased mobility, while protecting the back from injury. Try out this quick and easy 10-minute ab routine to ensure your core is strong and healthy today!

Remember that health starts from the inside out. Fuel your body with nutritious foods so it has the best building blocks to repair and grow. Work out in a way that feels good, take care of mental health, and watch how it all falls into place. Fitness is a journey that is mental, physical, and emotional.

Watch how wellbeing flourishes as you take care of gut microbiota health too! A gut that is not balanced can lead to muscle weakness, decreased immune health, lower mental health, and an unstable metabolism. Get all your gut health resources here for free today!

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