Already Quit Your New Year’s Resolution? Try This Alternative Now

Have you started on a goal, only to give up right at the start? That’s highly common, particularly in January. In fact, about a quarter of resolution settings give up in the first week, and only about a third last a month. Only 9% end up completing their goal in the end. Already quit your New Year’s resolution?

Skip the new year’s resolutions and try this out – source

Well, there are reasons why we quit these yearly resolutions, some of which are not our own fault! Here is what makes them hard to stick to and a couple of better habits to try instead. Learn to work with yourself, not against you.

Why Quit Your New Year’s Resolution 

There are many reasons you quit your New Year’s resolution so quickly. Many reasons are psychological or even biological. We should work with our body and mind, not against it. Learn why resolutions are hard to stick to and a better way to accomplish your goals today.

They Interfere with Life

Much of the time, we tend to choose resolutions that are time-consuming and unsustainable. For example, one of the most common goals is to start going to the gym. The issue? We tend to be all of nothing. Our resolutions are going to the gym 5 times a week, running every single day, or lifting 100 pounds more than you currently can. 

This motivation to do a lot may last for a short period of time, but if you aren’t used to doing something, it is unlikely to stick. More often than not you’ll experience burnout, get tired, and quit altogether.

They Involve Hours of Research

One of the reasons you may quit your New Year’s resolution can be due to being underprepared. Some of the main goals, for example eating healthier food, may involve a deep dive into protein quality, learning about oil smoking points, or research into sustainable fishing. This is particularly true if you try out a specific diet like the Mediterranean diet or the ketogenic diet.

You may start a resolution thinking you have everything figured out, only to burn out on your research journey, get confused due to all the misinformation out there, and give up before the first month is even done.

They Deal with Fad Diets

Fad diets often involve both of the issues above. They tend to need a lot of research, and preparation and can interfere with life due to making meals, worrying about what they eat, or over restriction. Dieting does not work, and over-restricting food is usually unsustainable. I say this as someone who has done keto for over 3 years. While I appreciated learning about healthy fats, researching to choose high-quality proteins, reducing sugar cravings, and feeling full, I am a bread lover through and through. I even got into homemade sourdough.

Usually, diets include eating less, working out more, and hoping. While this equation seems right, it can ignore many factors such as if you work out a lot and eat less, your body may start trying to conserve more energy, keeping your diet from even working. Learn all about that and how to actually increase metabolism here.

What Do Instead of a New Year Resolution

Are you tired of starting and quitting your New Year’s resolutions? Here are some things you can try instead that are much more effective!

Track Your Habits

Tracking your current habits is vital for change and improvement. January is a perfect time for self-reflection. Start tracking your current habits as it will make it easier to understand yourself and make positive changes. 

You can start a daily journal log or use one of the millions of habit tracker apps available for phones. Start tracking eating habits, exercise, log water, mindfulness sessions, etc. It can also lead to personal insights, like maybe you tend to skip meals when upset or work out too hard when angry.

Make Small Changes

As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Start with small, achievable goals. If you want to eat more healthily, add vegetables to more meals. Want to get moving more? Walk for a little bit each day. Want to stay hydrated? Don’t force yourself to chug 2 gallons a day, instead drink a glass of water when you first wake. Again, the point is to make each goal achievable.

Smaller goals set you up for consistency and will prevent burnout. They are within reach while still adding a lot of benefits to all wellness. Make sure to note successes and celebrate them with some treating yourself and self-care! Self-care is about bringing yourself the support and care you need to thrive.

Evaluate and Adjust

This is the final step to realizing New Year’s goals. Tracking your habits is important as it allows you to know where you are and how to implement small changes. Along the way, you can reevaluate and adjust. Maybe your fitness goal included daily movement. If you feel up to it, you can add going to the gym twice a week. Maybe your goal was nutrition-based. Assess where you are and see if you need to keep it simple, add more vegetables, or if you’re up to the task of a homemade dinner.

Make sure you are listening to your body and letting yourself make changes that benefit you. It’s ok to keep it simple. Small goals allow you to form a strong foundation for future endeavors.

The Takeaway

New year, new me is the common saying around this time of year, however, many of us don’t accomplish much of anything. With this simple, yet effective guide, you can learn exactly what makes these resolutions hard to stick to and what to do instead!

Remember, as always, health comes from within. Eat well, move your body daily, and care for your mental health. Daily habits become the building blocks for emotional, mental, and physical health. Try to take care of your gut health too! Learn everything you need to know about gut microbiota today for free here.

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