
How to Effectively Use Protein in Fitness – 3 Amazing Tips

If you’re on a fitness journey, trying to gain weight, lose weight, or increase muscle, you’ve heard of the importance of protein. Did you know, though, that there are specific ways you can use protein in fitness to better reach your goals?

Nutrition and fitness go hand in hand – source

Find out how this hack will help you on your wellness journey today, teaching you how to use protein in fitness effectively. Plus, get some fitness tips you want to ensure you’re following for the best results.

What is Protein

Proteins are large molecules that play an important role in the body. Your body makes proteins to play vital roles in function, structure, transport, and tissue regulation. Some even work as antibodies, binding to foreign particles like bacteria to alert the system and protect the body. Protein is made up of amino acids which attach to form chains that create protein. 

In food, protein is an essential nutrient that is needed for the body to thrive. It is particularly important when you are on a fitness journey, as protein is required to help repair damage that occurs during a workout.


Protein is one of the three macronutrients, (with the other two being carbohydrates and fats). Protein is made up of 20 amino acids, 9 of which our body cannot create, therefore we must consume. Some sources of protein are complete and some are incomplete. A complete protein contains all 9 amino acids needed by the body. Sources of complete protein include fish, chicken, egg, beef, pork, soy, and dairy. Incomplete proteins include nuts, legumes, seeds, whole grains, and vegetables. Combine both kinds for the best health benefits.

How to Use Protein in Fitness

Eating enough protein a day is essential for your health. Learn how to use protein in fitness below for the best results.

To Keep You Full

Protein is the most filling macronutrient. When your meals have more protein, they fill you up and leave you satisfied for longer. Of course, every meal is about balance, so you do still need the other macronutrients, healthy fat, and carbohydrates, on the plate. However, ensuring you are eating good amounts of protein will make your meals more nourishing.

To Burn More Energy

Protein has a high thermic effect of food, which means you need more energy to digest it in the body. This is an increase in metabolism as the body requires more to process your meals. A high thermic effect of food can count for 10% of the metabolic expenditure during the day. This means you need protein to keep your metabolism going, especially on a fitness journey. 

To Grow and Repair Muscles

This may be the most common, yet the most important one on the list. Protein contains the necessary amino acids to repair the body after a workout. This is particularly important if you are lifting weight and looking to increase muscle. The small tears from straining the muscles must be repaired with the amino acids found in protein. More protein means more potential to build muscle, avoid injury, and gain strength. More muscle is also a good way to increase metabolism, as muscles require more energy to maintain.

How Much Protein Should You Eat?

Here is an essential guide for all your questions, but the basics are that if you are a regular person, to maintain you need about 0.8 to 1 gram per kilogram of body weight. This is about 15% of your daily nutrients if you don’t work out.

If you do work out a lot and want to gain muscle, you will want to eat about 1.6 to 2.3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Intense, high-energy workouts and heavy lifters can even go for about 3 grams of protein for every kilogram of weight.

Quick Tips for Any Step of a Fitness Journey

Here are some tips that you can use to help fitness work for you. Whether you are just starting out or want a bit of a refresher, these tips are sure to make progress smooth.

  • Avoid burning out – this is important, especially if you are a beginner! Try to start slow, about 3 to 5 workout days a week, before going into more intense workout routines. This will help prevent burnout.
  • Get rid of the all-or-nothing mentality – Along that train of thought, get rid of the all-or-nothing mentality. There will be days you do not feel your best. On these days, do your workout at 60% or 40% effort. Show up, but be kind to yourself.
  • Rest days are just as important as workout days – take a rest day when you need them. In fact, if you work out without rest, your muscles and body will not have the opportunity to repair, making injury more likely. This will also prevent you from gaining muscles.
  • Eat well – protein, healthy fat, carbohydrates. These macros make up a nutritious diet. Make sure you are eating well when you can and treating yourself when you should. Life is about balance!
  • Hydrate properly – you lose water when you sweat and breathe during a workout. Make sure you are drinking enough water to avoid cramping and dehydration.
  • Track your progress – sometimes, you may feel like you are not making any progress. Try tracking your goals to really appreciate your efforts. See how much more you can lift, how much faster you can run, etc. Keep a fitness journal for all these fun details!

The Takeaway

Protein is essential on a fitness journey, but how you use it matters. Use protein in these ways to get the most out of your fitness journey and watch how overall health blooms. Health starts from within, so eat nutritious food, work out daily, and care for your mental wellbeing. Don’t forget about microbiota health too! The microbiota affects the entire body, from metabolism, muscles, and immune system to digestion and more! Get all the resources you need about microbiota health for free here!

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