
The Best 30 Phrases for Improved Self-Esteem and Reduce Negativity Today

Self-esteem is something that is cultivated and taken care of. Not everyone has the best, but as long as it is tended to, like a seed, it will grow and grow.

person with good self-esteem
Self-esteem can be improved with daily habits – source

Keep reading to learn the 30 phrases you need to start using to improve self-esteem and mental wellbeing today!

What is Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is how you view yourself and your overall worth. It is related to self-respect and confidence, as it describes how you value yourself and your actions. Healthy self-esteem can help you act in ways that are positive and make good choices whereas negative self-esteem can worsen your mental wellbeing and quality of life.

Luckily, there are ways to improve your self-esteem such as eating well, exercising, and practicing positive self-talk. What you eat affects your brain and exercising can help increase dopamine, a happiness chemical. Plus, using the following 30 phrases can help you improve your self-talk and self-esteem greatly.

Top 30 Phrases to Improve Self-Esteem

Here are the best 30 phrases for a 30-day challenge sure to boost mental wellbeing and self-esteem! Use and incorporate a different phrase every day.

Cup Half-Full Phrases

Here are phrases that look at the brighter side of things.

  1. I look at the bright side of things.
  2. Life is beautiful.
  3. People have good intentions.
  4. I deserve good things in life.
  5. Today is going to be a great day. 
  6. I did the best I could.
  7. I have come very far.
  8. I know the sun will rise tomorrow. One bad day is not a bad life.
  9. I look for the silver lining.
  10. I impressed myself with [three things here].

I Can Phrases

Here are I can phrases designed to boost confidence and increase success.

  1. I can do it.
  2. I can trust myself.
  3. I can be honest with myself and others.
  4. I can positively express my emotions.
  5. I can find the beauty in things.
  6. I can choose actions that benefit me and others around me.
  7. I can find joy in the little things.
  8. I can appreciate [three things here].
  9. I can look for the bright side.
  10. I can be anything I want to be.

I Am Phrases

I am phrases are meant to boost self-esteem by rewiring how you think about yourself and your abilities.

  1. I am able to achieve anything I set my mind to.
  2. I am taking things one step at a time.
  3. I am excited about the future.
  4. I am able to push myself to pursue my dreams with joy.
  5. I am worthy of self-respect.
  6. I am strong enough to thrive.
  7. I am confident in new and exciting settings.
  8. I am empowering myself daily.
  9. I am worthy of care. I deserve to be kind to myself
  10. I am a being of light, love, and joy.

How to Do the 30-Day Challenge

Here are some tips on how to use the phrases above in a 30-day self-esteem challenge. In just a month you can create a new habit that fuels you to look at life and yourself in a more positive light.

  • Turn the phrases into journal prompts – use a phrase a day and journal about it daily. Reflect on what the phrase means, how you can apply it to your life, and in what ways you can improve. After the month is over, you’ll have pages of positive self-esteem prompts you can reflect on.
  • Focus on one a day – choose one a day to focus on. Truly expand on the phrase and envision how it can be applied to your life.
  • Choose a different type each day – the self-esteem phrases are broken down into I can, I am, and glass half full phrases. Alternate between these categories every day.
  • Repeat, repeat, repeat – try to repeat the phrases many times a day to help them stick in your mind.
  • Mornings and nights – use the phrases as soon as you wake up and right before bed to help them set your days and nights for success.
  • Write it, say it, do it – write them out, say them out loud, and try to put actions into practice.

When to Seek Professional Help

Remember to seek out professional help in the form of reaching out to friends and family or seeking cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) if you ever feel overwhelmed. CBT is a form of therapy that works to change thoughts and behaviors through new, more beneficial habits. It has a lasting effect on improving mental health and is one of the best forms of evidence-based therapy.

The Takeaway

Self-esteem is something that is nurtured. It may not come naturally to everyone, but it can grow with time. One way to improve self-esteem is to practice it daily with positive phrases that can create new mental pathways. These positive phrases can, over time, become the default way of thinking. Use these 30 phrases as a month-long challenge to cultivate a better way of thinking about yourself and the world around you.

Remember that health comes from within, so eat nutritious food, exercise when you can, and take care of your mental health. Daily habits become building blocks for emotional, mental, and physical health. Don’t forget to take care of your gut microbiome health as well! Learn everything you need to know about gut microbiota today for free here.

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